Bringing Lit into Speech Therapy with “Oh No!”

As you know, I am a strong believer in reading to children and using books in therapy.  One book that I have been loving of late, is called, “Oh No!” by Patrick George.  It is a wordless book that shows a variety of situations, such as a boy climbing a tree to get his kite and then what could happen.  There is a transparent page that when you turn it, shows what happened.

The pictures are cute but would still be appropriate for children up to about grade three.  Here are five ideas on how you could use this book in therapy:

1.  Answering questions.  This book lends itself well to working on questions.  You can target, “where” questions, “why” questions, “What is he/she/it doing?,” “What do think will happen?,”  “How did X happen?,” “Why did X happen?” and “What happened?” 

2.  Describing a scene. These pictures are simple enough to not be overwhelming but have enough detail that they would be good for children to describe them.

3.  Sequencing.  These are two picture scenes that could work well on, “First X happens, then Y happens.”

4.  Narratives.  This piggybacks on working on sequencing.  Because there are only pictures and each vignette is two pages long, they are great for working on developing a story.

5. Inferencing.  You don’t see everying part of the scene.  For example, when the boy is climbing the tree, you only see part of the kite or when the boy is kicking a ball, you don’t see the ball.  The children have to infere part of the scene to fully understand it.  

Have you used this book in therapy? And do you have other suggestions on how to use it?
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