EEK! I’ve started a blog.


I’m new to this whole blog process in fact if you had asked me even three months ago if I would have a blog I would have said, “you’re crazy!” But here I am and I’ve decided to blog. 

So a little about me.  I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist.  I’m not a huge fan of the name.  I really prefer Speech Language Therapist.  The kids I work with and their parents usually call me the “speech teacher.” The children I work with are truly amazing and are my superheros.  They all have significant delays in their ability to communicate, yet that does not stop them. It is such a pleasure to watch them grow, develop, and change as they get ready to go out into the big big world of grade one and beyond.  

I have the great honor to work inside a classroom full time, well two really. This has really influenced my philosophy on therapy.  I am a big believer in making “therapy” as natural as possible and with kids that is through play.  All kids learn through play.  They learn about the world and how it works.  They learn about relationships and how to compromise and how to negotiate.  Its crazy to think about children as young as two negotiating and compromising but its true.  It can be very difficult for children to take the skills they have learned during “therapy” and apply it to the world around them.  Learning through play helps better bridge the gap between learning a new skill and applying it to their everyday experience. 

Well, that’s a little about me.  I hope you enjoyed reading my first post.  Still can’t believe I’m doing this!

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